Thursday, 23 June 2011

What You See Is What You Get... the title of the autobiography of Lord Sugar of Clapton, Alan Sugar. I've just finished reading this book and it has to have been the most satisfying read I've had in such a long time. He truly is an entrepreneur, having started making a return at an early age; he does say that no-one should call themselves an entrepreneur but leave that to others.

The directness he portrays in television is certainly there, but one gets to understand why it's there. He can't stand bulll shitters and likes to cut through the weeds quickly. He may be bluff and gruff with some but his friendship and loyalty to others, including his staff, is evident. His model is there to follow although it would be better to say his example is.

I learnt much from his story. In fact. much more than from any of the so-called 'leaders' I've seen on stage, many of whom proved to be duplicitous and wanted only to make money from me and others. He is not a lying con-man others have proven whilst professing to be a friend. He will have stood on toes but did so honestly, his aims being clear to all.

If you're young and and have the desire to make a success of your business and life, you can't do much worse than read this book as an inspirational tool. Leave the other guff on the shelves - this man has actually done stuff, not just written books on it.

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