Thursday, 25 August 2011

That's very nearly an armful

It was the regular blood donor session in Gosport tonight. I walked in at 18.22 to find the place was mobbed. It was another hour and 40 minutes before my turn came. I spent my time, as I always do, dozing.  It's one of those times when I get that satisfaction from seeing the good that people can do, quite unselfishly. Everyone's there because they want to be and without enticement - apart from a cup of tea and a biscuit.

There's always a good mix of ages from teenagers who are giving at their first opportunity, to 'senior' donors who have been giving for yonks. There's skinny folks and pudgy folks. And there's ALWAYS the one or two who get a bit flaky and have to have 'The Wet Towel of Recovery' on their heads and sip from the 'Disposable Cup of Orange Squash'.

This is the side of people I like to see. I much prefer to see this going on than riots in Tottenham, or crappy posts on Facebook falsely comparing grannies on benefits to 'immigrants', or posts begrudging the fractional amount we spend on aid. People, just do those little things that help someone else, and without expecting something in return and this will be an even more wonderful place in which to live.

Give blood england and north wales 96% of us rely on the other 4% to give blood. Please don’t leave it to someone else.

And if you want THAT bit, jump to 4m 20s


  1. Good on you, Pete, I would be a donor but they won't take it. I'm told that it is not the diabetes but the medication that prevents me fro being accepted.

  2. That's a great shame, Jim. Have you looked at being a platelet donor or is that not allowed either?
