Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Breast Cancer's Not Just For Women

Okay. Seeing as the word is beginning to get around. I will give you some information which I have had to scavenge from dozens of different sources. I thought my medical encyclopedia would be a good place to start. The word man didnt appear once on the many paragraphs about breast cancer. All about women facts figures everything how what why. But nothing at all about men and breast cancer. Peed me off that was a soddin expensive medical dictionary, simple men have breast tissue as well as women. By us men it is redundant. It merely indicates that we too are mammels. Yes even submariners. The onset of breast cancer among men is about ten years later than women so normaly between 60 and 70 years old. It can occur earlier. I have read of (terminal) cases aged 42. the signs and syptoms are similar to womens but we dont have the menstruation to make things silly just like women do or should do.

Take three fingers and with the tips press the flesh firmly against the ribs starting from under your armpit across the breast running across the nipple. your misses can show you or even do it for you. breast cancer is normaly painless. What you are looking for is a (hopefully) small smooth ?, hard lump a bit like a rubber from the top of a pencil. By the time you get to altered nipples sunken areolas and discharges from the nipple you are in s**t street. It is easier to locate in men and easier to cure in the early stages BUT because we dont have lots of tissue around there the cancer spreads into the body quicker,. so if you do feel something dont hang about to see what it does. go and find out. If your doc doc says dont worry mention the word breast cancer because often they dont consider it. I know of two cases where the doctors fobbed the blokes off for 4 and 6 years. These gents are no longer with us. stage 4 secondaries all over the body.

In my own situation it may have been on the go for at least three years as during a rare intimate moment my lovely lady felt a small hard lump. It was a little sore when pressed i put it down to mastitis from nipple rub because i was in running training. As such intimate moments were rare due to her illness it was soon forgotten. I never checked again. So at least three years later I'm half asleep and got an itchy tit so gently with the finger tips I scratched it as you do being a bloke. I felt a smooth hard lump in the areola next to the nipple. it was painless. Aell I knew it wasnt mastitis as it wasnt sore and it didnt go all the way round. so I thought it may be a cyst. Waited a couple of days. went to see my g.p. Only when she said she didnt think it was cancer did I even consider it. I'm a doc. I even worked on the breast surgery ward in norwich. so what chance has a ordinary bloke have? I knew we could get it vaguely but no details. She sent me off for a mammogram anyway. That was fun. squash the booby. what booby? after which when I got home I took a good look in the mirror. And yes, a slight alteration to the nipple and slightly sunken areola. So I already knew the result it was when she said it had spread into the lymph glands. I thought oops. Scans came up negative for secondaries in my lungs liver and bones. After surgery it turned out I had 12 lymph glands affected. Basicaly another few months and it would have been too late.. stage 4. timex. So gentlemen check your boobies.there will be 370 blokes in uk diagnosed according to macmillans. 20% will be leaving and it wont be easy. You have more information here than I have found on any site so far. If you think that is wrong make a fuss

This was written by a friend Alan Herbert. he has been dismayed by the lack of information for men available from the main major charities, even being told by one that the incidence was so low in men that there was no point in producing anything. It his original text corrected to capitalise sentences only

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