Friday, 16 November 2012

You only got how many votes to be a PCC?

The BBC is suggesting that the turn out for the English Police and Crime Commissioner elections will be in the order of 18.5%. I'm not sure how any candidate can honestly believe they have a true mandate. Technically, they do have a mandate because a very small proportion of the populace will have voted for them and the government argue that they have much more of a mandate than the unelected police authorities. Semantics.

On a personal note, this was the first time in my life that I chose not to vote in an election. There were 5 candidates for this area 4 of which had a political affiliation. Not one of those candidates had provided or published any material on which I could form a decision nor could I find any on the web after a cursory search. I had no knowledge of their backgrounds or their ability to be a 'super-bureaucrat'. I am concerned that these relative nonentities could be earning between £65,000 - £100,000 pa and have strong powers including the ability to summarily fire the Chief Constable.Sadly, the Secretary of State and her ministers see nothing wrong in this.

So you want to be a police and crime commissioner...

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